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       During the lesson, I was not nervous but I was feeling like I wasn't doing something that I was supposed to be doing, like something was missing. I really enjoyed reading to the class. They were really engaged and enjoyed the reading, which lead to a lot of questions and comments from them. A problem that I have had in the past is going over the 20 minute time limit for the mini lesson. I always want to give every student a chance to voice their opinion but I really have to stop doing that. Every student does not have to answer every question. For my next lesson I am going to have a two person limit for every response. I also have to pay more attention to the clock.

       The something that I knew I should have been doing was being culturally responsive. I didn't mention anything about the Chinese culture, and that would have been great since the students were learning about China a couple of weeks ago. I wrote it in my conceptualizing essay because I planned on doing it but I totally forgot. One of the students mentioned it and I didn't take advantage of the opening I had to discuss Chinese culture. Part of that was also because time was up since I spent too much time on the mini lesson.

       Dr. Diaz's critiques helped me because she made me realize that my time management problem is still an issue. She also made me realize that I did not modify the lesson in any way for the students. Every student does not learn the same so for my next lesson I am going to pay close attention to the needs of individual children instead of looking at them as a whole. Dr. Diaz also made me realize that this lesson was too easy for some of them. For my following lessons I am going to differentiate the work so every student is being challenged in some way and learning something new. Overall, I need to pay more attention to time and get to know my students more individually.

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