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          For clinical practice, candidates have to create and teach four lessons that are observed by a college supervisor. Those lessons are reading, math, science and social studies. We are evaluated on a number of things, such as planning, implementation, and outcomes, but I will be focusing on implementation. The part of implementation that I am focusing on involves differentiating instruction for the students and being culturally diverse. It is very important that candidates implement these two aspects really well because if we do not adapt the lessons to the students individual needs or teach cultural responsively, then the students may not learn or grasp the concepts that are being taught. My evidence, which is the grades I received from my supervisor from my first lesson and my last lesson, show my growth and also show that I have some growing to do. The evidence satisfies CEC Standard 9: Professional and Ethical Practice and ACEI Standard 5: Professionalism, 5.1.

          CEC Standard 9 says "Special educators practice in multiple roles and   developmental ranges." As I said, I had to teach four different lessons for different subject areas which is practicing in multiple roles.This class was not a special education class, however, there were several students who had IEP's. Also, every child does not learn the same so I had to teach to satisfy developmental ranges. It also says "Special educators view themselves as lifelong learners and regularly reflect on and adjust their practice." Because I reflected on the feedback and the grade I received from the first lesson, by the time I taught my last lesson, I improved on both aspects.

          ACEI Standard 5.1 says "...that you continually evaluate the effects of your professional decisions and actions on students" and I did this by reflecting on what I did not do in my first lesson that I made sure I did by the time I taught my last lesson.

           For the first lesson which was reading, I received an emerging grade for both of these aspects of implementation. That really bothered me because that meant the I did not pay attenton to my students' needs, cultures, or differences. I took all of that into consideration and in the time I had between my first and last lesson, I paid attenton to my students more and really got to know them. Because I was well aware of the problems I had and what I had to do to solve them, I received competant and exemplary grades for my last lesson. The competant grade that I received for differentiating students' work in my last lesson shows me that I still have to work on that. I have to find ways to always make the work different that I give to the students to satisfy their individual needs.

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