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          Assessment is a valuable part of teaching because that lets the teacher know if the student understands what was being taught. Educ. 340: Assessment in Education is a course that focuses on the different kinds of assessment there are and when and why they are used. One assignment for this class was to develop a test that would use different kinds of assessment for measuring the students understanding. This evidence meets CEC Standard 8: Assessment, ACEI Standard 4: Assessment and MEC Standard 1.6: Knowledge.

          CEC Standard 8 says "assessment is integral to the decision-making and teaching of special educators and special educators use multiple types of assessment information for a variety of educational decisions", and I met this in several ways. My evidence shows how I use formative and summative assessments to make decisions about what comes next in the lesson and what I need to do in the future. I focused on one assessment but I used different theories to help me decide what to teach next and if I need to review the content.

          ACEI Standard 4 says "evidence must reflect your knowledge and use of formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction that will promote continuous intellectual development of each elementary student." I explained how I used formal assessment, the questions at the end of the lesson that each student had to answer, and informal assessment, my observations during the assignment, to make decisions about future lessons and what I need to reiterate to the students if they are not grasping the concept. These assessments help the students' intellect because they are learning as they are completing projects and also when they answer the questions after the assignment is complete.

          MEC Standard 1.6 says candidates "understand how best to teach what they know about the major disciplines, curriculum, practices and strategies for learning, and the appropriate assessment devices." I explained throughout the essay my knowledge of each assessment I used and why I used it. I also explained why I used it to teach the particular lesson I was teaching. 

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