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Lesson 1: Video: http://youtu.be/gHyAJT-Dgcc

                 Map: www.mapsofworld.com

Lesson 2 and 3: Venn Diagram-  


Lesson 4: Literary Text- “Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan’s Chinese New Year” by Kate Waters

Literary Text  “Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan’s Chinese New Year” by Kate Waters

Art supplies: glue, construction paper, tape, markers, glitter, scissors, ribbons, string/yarn, paper plates, craft sticks, paint

Handouts with each decoration’s instruction on it. The children will get a handout according to the decoration they chose to create.

Instructions (courtesy of  http://www.preschoolexpress.com/holiday_station07/chinese_new_year_feb07.shtml)




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