DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.



African Values and Culture Through Masks


Cultural Beliefs


Standard 1: Culture

Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of

culture and cultural diversity,

so that the learner can


a. explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address

similar human needs and concerns;


b. give examples of how experiences may be interpreted differently by people from diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference;


c. describe ways in which language, stories, folktales, music, and artistic creations serve as expressions of

culture and influence behavior of people living in a particular culture


How will learning about a different cultural art help us learn about diversity?


  1. Primary documents
  2. Maps
  3. Literary texts
  4. Audio/visual aids
  5. Graphic organizers
  6. Handouts

1. Blog written by Oloolutof Yoruba Masks: The Importance


2. Map of World

    Map of Africa

    Map of Nigeria and Benin


3. Countries of the World: Nigeria by Kristin Thoennes


4. YouTube Videos: Stories Behind African Masks and Dogon Mask Dance


5. KWL Chart


6. Worksheet: My African Mask


  1. Basic Skills Development
  2. Procedural knowledge
  3. Information knowledge


1. Students will use the maps to locate Africa, Nigeria, and Benin.

2. Students will use critical thinking skills to differentiate Yoruba masks from those that they are familiar with.

3. Students will be able to describe the reasons masks are used by Yoruba people and use that knowledge to make their own masks.


  1. Motivation/attention-getter
  2. Review
  3. Content Presentation
  4. Active Learning
  5. Debriefing


1. I will ask the class when have they ever saw masks being used and where. I will listen for answers like Halloween, Chinese New Year, Labor Day Parade, and whatever else they know. Then I will show the YouTube video Stories Behind African Masks.

2. We will talk about what they saw in the video and I will ask did the video make them think of other places they saw masks.

3. I will tell them that today we are focusing on the Yoruba people and their masks. I will give the students KWL Charts and they will fill out the “know” column and the “what they would want to know” column about both Yoruba people and their masks. Then I will show the world map so the students can see where America is and where Africa is, then I will show a map of Africa so they can see where Nigeria and Benin is, next I will show a map of just Nigeria and Benin. Now I will read some of the book Countries of the World: Nigeria by Kristin Thoennes and the blog by Oloolutof which gives background information on Yoruba people, their masks, and why they use the masks. After we talk about that, I will show the slideshow of specific masks used by Yoruba people. They can fill out the “learned” column of the graphic organizer. Then I will ask them what is something that can be done about other students learning about the Yoruba people and their masks, or learning about culture in general. After brainstorming ideas, we will come up with one action service plan they can do for homework.

Day 2

4. After we review the maps, the blog, the literary text, and watch the video Dogon Mask Dance, I will tell the class that they will pretend that they are Yoruba people and will make masks according to a theme that they choose. They will get in groups of 3 and each group will come up with a theme for their masks. The theme can be whatever they want like warriors, dancers, etc. Before they begin, I will show them my mask and explain why it is the way it is. While they are making their masks, the slideshow of the different masks will be displayed on the projector for them to use as a guide. After they complete their masks, they will fill out their worksheet and each group will present and explain their masks in front of the class.


Write a letter to the principal explaining why it is important to have a multicultural day where students can learn about different cultures.




Emerging (1)

Competent (2)

Exemplary (3)

Student is able to complete KWL Chart.

Student was unable to complete KWL Chart.

Student was able to complete KWL Chart with at least 2 points in each column.

Student was able to complete KWL Chart with 3 or more points in each column.


Student uses learned information to create and explain the meaning of their mask.


Student was unable to create a mask with a meaning.


Student was able to create a mask and explain why.



Student was able to create a mask using specific details from what they’ve learned to explain it.

























DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.