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Common Core Standard:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.R1.3.9- Compare and contrast the most important points and  

                                          key details presented in two texts on the same topic.


Essential Question: Can students compare and contrast two texts with similar



Teaching Point: Students will be able to compare and contrast two fables with

                          similar themes using a Venn Diagram.


Materials: Lon Po Po by Ed Young

                  Venn Diagram



Learning Activities

Mini Lesson:  How many of you are familiar with the story Little Red Riding Hood?

                     We will talk about the story. Then I will put the Venn Diagram on

                     the screen and tell them we will be using this to compare and

                     contrast Little Red Riding Hood with a similar story, Lon Po Po. Now

                      just because Lon Po Po is similar to Little Red Riding Hood, that

                     doesn’t mean that they can’t have some differences. Now just by

                     looking at the cover of both books I can find some similarities and

                     differences. I will write one for each bubble.

Accountable Talk: Students since you already know what Little Red Riding Hood is

                            about, I want you to turn to your partner and talk about what you

                            think Lon Po Po is about and how the stories are alike or different.  

Guided Practice:  I am going to read Lon Po Po to them. As I am reading, we will

                           use the strategy stop and think to discuss what is going on at

                           that point and to think how it is similar or different from Little

                           Red Riding Hood.

Independent Practice: Now I want you to think about Little Red Riding Hood and Lon

                                    Po Po’s similarities and differences. Write down at least 4 for

                                   each category.


Adaptations: As they are working on it I will walk around to help them, but

                      specifically the students that I know have a hard time writing their

                      ideas down and the Spanish speaking students who have trouble

                      expressing their thoughts in English.

Summary: Students will share what they wrote.



Assessment/Evaluation of



Novice (1)

Apprentice (2)

Practitioner (3)

Expert (4)

Student will use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast two similar stories.

Student doesn’t show any sign of grasping the concept. He/she was unable to find similarities and differences between the two texts, therefore, he/she could not fill out the Venn Diagram.

Student shows some sign of grasping the concept. He/she was able to identify at least one similarity and one difference between the two texts. Student was able to fill out the Venn Diagram with assistance.

Student shows understanding of the concept. He/she was able to identify at least three similarities and differences between the two texts and was able to fill out Venn Diagram with little assistance.

Student shows full understanding of the concept. He/she was able to identify four or more similarities and differences between the two texts and fill out the Venn Diagram independently.



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.