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Service/Action Plan


Servicing the Community


Standard 1: Culture

A: explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns



What can you do to make the library a better place to get information?


  1. Primary documents
  2. Maps
  3. Literary texts
  4. Audio/visual aids
  5. Graphic organizers
  6. Handouts

  • Chalkboard or Whiteboard



  1. Basic Skills Development
  2. Procedural knowledge
  3. Information knowledge
  • Students will learn about Service/Action plans and discuss how the library in their community can be better at supplying a variety of books on Chinese culture.
  • Students will use critical thinking skills to come up with different ways to better their community library.
  • Students will learn about Service/Action Plans and how effective they (students) can be at helping their community.


  1. Motivation/attention-getter
  2. Review
  3. Content Presentation
  4. Active Learning
  5. Debriefing
  • Motivation: “What did you like or dislike about the books you were able to find yesterday at the library?”
  • Review: Discussion of the students’ experience at the library. Did they like it? Were they able to gather enough information? Do they think there should have been more?
  • Content Presentation: After the discussion, I will ask them if they think students/children can change their community. Since the library doesn’t have enough books on Chinese culture, how can we solve that problem?
  • Active Learning: Turn to your classmate and take 5-10 minutes to come up with some ways to help the library get books. When they are done they will share with the class and I will tell them what we are going to be doing to help the library get more books on Chinese culture. They will go around to bookstores, thrift shops, neighbors or anybody they can think of and get books to donate to the library on Chinese culture and books written by Chinese authors.
  • Debriefing: I will give them a permission slip to take home that will inform the parents/guardians of what we are doing as a class and to ask for their help. There will be a basket in the classroom marked “Donations for the Library” and any books that the students collect will go in the box after I approve them.


Homework- Take the permission slips home and start collecting books.


To be sure they will do it, I will make a chart with everyone’s name on it and for each book they bring, they will get a sticker. At the end of the assignment (Today is Wednesday and I’m giving them until next Monday), whoever has the most stickers gets 2 free homework passes redeemable anytime during the school year, except on holiday packets.

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