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   The evidence for MEC standard Personal and Global Consciousness came from my Education 102 Course, Introduction To The World Learner taught by Professor Diaz in spring 2013. This course required an Educational Autobiography that reflects my educational experiences from infancy to present. I was able to define Educational experiences in whatever contexts that have been relevant to my life. I made connections between my educational experiences and the educational theories reflected in the class readings. My educational Autobiography included three references to educational theories covered in class readings that are relevant to my educational experiences, bibliography, and philosophy statement.


     The Education Department Standard: Personal and Global Consciousness, defines personal and global consciousness by stating that I examine, deconstruct, and reconstruct my own and others’ beliefs, values and perspectives to understand my own culture and to develop empathy and acceptance towards others’ cultures.  This assignment focused on sub-standards: examining my own beliefs, values and perspectives and contextualizing this within a larger cultural context and recognizing the social, cultural and personal impact it had on others and how others influence me and actively reexamined or adjusted beliefs and values accordingly.


  I enjoyed doing this assignment because I was able to think back to what has made my educational experiences memorable. I had the opportunity to share my story and things that make me the student and person I am today. By completing this assignment I was able to analyze my personal believes and experiences, which is something I wouldn't do on a regular basis. I had to dig deep and think about what exactly has shaped my character and personality as a student. My autobiography also helped me remember why I choose this field of study and why I am passionate about it. Many educators lose track of why they’re teaching and just work for a pay check. Some lose the passion and enthusiasm and do not teach at their full potential, which isn’t any good for a student. I believe a reflection such as an autobiography will help anyone pick back up and teach for the same reasons they joined this field.

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