DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.











Social Studies










Lesson: New York City transportation




New York State common core standards for the third grade: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). Students will focus on a community, namely, and study the impact of geography and culture on that country and its people. (Standards 3.1e and 3.2b)


Objective: After completing this lesson, students will be able to perform the following tasks with minimal difficulty;


  1. Learning the different forms of transportation (bus, train, taxi etc.)  
  2. learn how to read the public transportation schedule and bus and train maps


Essential Question: How to travel in New York City? What are different ways to get from here to there?


Teaching point: Students will learn about the Bus schedule (or another form of transportation schedule)Money (real or play) to figure out the costs of purchasing a ticket Bus-actually take a bus trip and take the time to figure out the cost of the tickets for the distance you will be traveling.


Learning activities    


Mini Lesson: I will read the book “New York then and now by Marcia Reiss. Students will get acquainted with the bus and train maps of New York City.           I will use a graphic organizer to help student recall what they know about traveling and transportation. I will tell students that they are going to take a look at the different maps and students will examine New York City bus and train maps. Students will pair with a partner and students will be given either a train map or a bus map to discuss with their partner for 2-3 minutes.  I will then explain to them how people travel and the different ways to travel in New York City. I will ask questions such as ‘How many of you have traveled on a train, bus, airplane boat, and bike? When did you travel? Did you use money? How long did it take you to get to your final destination? I will ask these questions because I know that many of my students have travel in New York City. After such discussions I will present the students with a short YouTube video about traveling asking them to take notes while they watch. I will give specific instructions, such as “Write down as many forms of transportation as you see. Write down or remember some of the thing you see people doing. What do you think they are doing these things?’ I will remind students that they are to present their responses in an organized manner which reflects respect and consideration for everyone. Those not observing the rules will not be called upon or will have to deal with rule-breaking consequences.


Accountable talk: we will have student engage in think-pair-share, where they pair with a partner for two minutes and talk about what they observe from the video. As children exchange, the teachers and I will circulate to listen, ask question and scaffold their thinking. After the two minutes, the class will reconvene as a large group to share the ideas spoken about in their group.


Guided Practice: We will teach the students the rules for using different types of transportation. Teach the students what is free to ride, and which of the items you must pay to travel on. The children will learn different ways to get from one place to another, and can also recognize places they have already learned about in their neighborhood. We would point out that transportation does not only have to consist on a motor vehicle, but it can also be walking or riding a bike.


Independent Practice: Students will use the information gathered from the previous components to produce their finished assignments, some as individual projects and group efforts. Students will be divided in to groups. Group1 will be given a current subway map. Students will locate the five boroughs, rivers, Coney Island and Prospect park, as well as making sure they understand the information provided in the map’s key. Locate the subway station closest to your school. Identify the colors and names of the train lines that stop at this station. Students will use their fingers to follow the length of particular lines. In what boroughs do the lines start and finish? Can students find a train line that travels in three different boroughs? Which line do they think is the longest? Which looks the shortest? What subway line could you take to get from your school to their homes? Group2 will use the wed to take a journey through time and create a timeline. Students will examine what would traveling in a horse-drawn mode of transportation have been like? Show students photographs of horse-drawn vehicles on the streets of New York City. Students will step back in time and imagine that they travel regularly in omnibuses or horse cars. Students will write and share descriptions of their journeys.  Students will think about where they might go, how long the trip might take, and what experiences they might have along the way. Students will use picture from the past that the got from their website:
students will present and explain what problems do they see? What do they notice about transportation and traffic conditions? What risks and challenges do travelers and pedestrians face? How could these problems be solved? Students will continue to imagine what if they were living in the past.


Summary: The class will reconvene once again to share and present findings to the classroom. Individuals and/ groups will present their information with confidence. Once again, I will reinforce the acceptable behaviors student should exhibit while their peers are presenting. As they present, we will re-iterate key concepts and ideas to reinforce what students have learned about transportation.


Modifications: To cater to the various learning needs, preferences, abilities and disabilities, I will encourage social interaction through heterogeneous small groups to reinforce peer-assisted learning (PALS) opportunities. I will use differentiated instruction, task analysis approaches, concrete materials and real-life experiences, organizational cues and differentiated assessments.


Accommodations: With consideration for the inter-individual/intra-individual variations of the disabilities of my students, I will use instructional technology and various forms of modified visual aids, audio, and print resources to stimulate students’ thinking and learning. Students who learn by means other than written will have opportunities to present their ideas through drawing or other preferred form. Students with ADHD will have opportunities for out-of-seat activities. To promote positive classroom behaviors, I will use positive behavioral intervention and support strategies, including giving positive feedback and praise, using points/reward system as well as correction and consequences for inappropriate behaviors.


Assessment: The assessment will be done in groups; Group1 students were given maps of train and bus route to examine which route was faster and/ slower and what different route students can take to get to school. Group students did a website search on the New York City transit timeline. Students look at trains then and now. All groups will be asked to present their findings and students will be assess on presentation of their finding and/information.


Social Studies Rubric






Group1 students were given maps of train   and bus route to examine which route was faster and/ slower and what   different route students can take to get to school.

Student demonstrates complete   understanding of maps and bus route and students was able to figure out which   route was faster and which route was slower.

Student demonstrates some understanding   of maps and bus route and students was able to figure out which route was   faster and which route was slower

Student demonstrates little understanding   of maps and bus route and students was able to figure out which route was   faster and which route was slower

Group2 students did a website search on   the New York City transit timeline. Students look at trains then and now.

Students showed exceptional understanding   of the use of the web and the New York City transportation timeline.

Student showed understanding of the use   of the web and the New York City transportation timeline.

Student showed little understanding of the   use of the web and the New York City transportation timeline.

Students presentation of their findings about   the train and bus map and/information they found on the website.

Student was able to clearly present all   the information and expand on their finding with exceptional understanding.

Students presentation was clear with   limited discussion on information and their findings with respectable   understanding

Student was not able to present information   clearly and showed some understanding of information but was not able to   expound on their findings.




  1. I.          Standard(s) Being Addressed    


Common Core Standard:


3.MD.1: Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line.5


II. Essential Question                   





III. Teaching Point/Performance Goals


Students will:

-       Use previous knowledge of time to solve word problems about traveling by the  New York City Subway  


                                                                   IV. Learning Activities   


  1. A.        Mini Lesson                           


The lesson will begin by the telling students that throughout week we have been talking about different ways to get around New York City. We spoke about the bus, train and even walking. During the social studies on Monday you found different ways to get to Coney Island, the museum and Prospect Park. For math today we will figure out how much time it would take for you to get to those places from school by train. The teacher will then have a brief review about time with the students they will discuss information such as how many minutes in a hour, what does quarter past and quarter to means etc. The teacher will then introduce and model how to solve the word problem.



  1. B.       Accountable Talk


I will then ask students to turn and talk to their partner about how much the time would change if the train was delayed for 10 minutes at one stop. After the turn and talk the teacher will then ask the students to share their answers. The teacher will take this opportunity to address any misconceptions that may arise and also answer any questions relating to the lesson.





  1. C.      Guided Practice


The teacher will then introduce another word problem and ask the students to turn and talk to their partner about how they will solve the problem. After the turn and talk the teacher will then ask the students to share their suggestions on how to solve the word problem. The teacher and the students will then solve the word problem together. The students will be supplied with a multiple word problems and a modified train and bus schedule that notes the specific amount of time the train spend at each station and the amount of time between each stop.



  1. D.      Independent Practice 


The students will work with partners to solve the following word problems:




Name: ___________________                              Date: ___________________



                               Time and New York City Subway                 



Read the following word problems carefully and then solve them by using the subway map.


Let’s pretend that:


Every train takes 5 minutes between each stop.


The shuttle takes 8 minutes between each stop.



1)      A) Jessie is taking the    train from Kings Highway to NY Aquarium. If the train leaves at 9:00 am what time will she arrive at the aquarium?








B) Draw a clock showing the time that the train will arrive.










2)      A) What time would the 2 train to get to Brooklyn Museum if it leaves Beverly Road at 2:30 pm?







            B)  Explain in writing how you found the answer?




3)      A) If you take the  train at 11:30 from the first stop how long would it take to get to     

            Prospect Park?







          B) If the train was delayed for 13 minutes at Fort Hamilton Parkway what time will you











4)      If you leave school at 1:00 pm what time will you arrive at the Botanic Garden?


**Hint you need to take more than one train**

** The Q   train is the closest to school**









5) If you want to get to Coney Island at 10:00 am what time should you get take the    train from Kings Highway?
























IV. Assessment/Evaluation of Learning appreciate gratitude   



Students will be assessed on the rubric below:          






























       Week Schedule









8:40AM-10: 15 AM















10:20AM-11: 50AM










11:55AM-12: 50 PM













12:55PM-2: 25 PM

Social Studies
















2:30PM- 3:00 PM



























DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.