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Jessie Ortiz

Golanda Trim

Joann Turner

Wayne Anthony




                 In order to acquire vocabulary literal and inferential and comprehension ability for children with particular exceptionalities and cultures we must first start in the children homes and in order to understand and teach the children the importance of Comprehension Literacy reading block. Different cultural capital objects in our case study children house help them with their literal and inferential comprehension for example church hymns calendars food labels magazines. A vocabulary instruction is an integral component of teaching children how to read both narrative and informational text. It is important that vocabulary instructional practices immerse students in language rich activities which teach children words in meaningful reading experience. To acquire vocabulary comprehension ability for children with cerebral palsy and Autism we will be using webbing. Is a method that graphically illustrates how to associate words meaning full and allows students to make connection between they know about words and how words are related to semantic webbing. In order to acquire inferential comprehension for children with Cerebral palsy and Autism we are going to use the mental imagery and mnemonics strategies. They will have reliable effects on improving memory from the text. These procedures can be useful when teachers wish to use an alternative way of having the reader try to understand and represent text. Also these procedures are useful for recall of individual sentences or paragraph.


Dramatic advances have occurred in our understanding of how children learn to read. Much of what has been learned has been about the processes by which readers access the sounds and meaning represented by printed symbols at the level of the individual word. Word recognition capability vocabulary growth and comprehension development are main components of a balance reading program. Reading instructional that focuses on the growth of children’s vocabulary results in increasing their abilities to infer meaning and to have a better understanding of what they read. Children with advance knowledge of vocabulary are more effective to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words in the texts that they read. Children’s vocabulary knowledge support their text processing and interaction with the author.    


There is a considerable amount of controversy regarding the use overuse and abuse of praise as a motivational technique. Children who receive the right sort of support and encouragement during these years will be creative adventurous learners throughout their lives. Children who do not receive this support and interaction are likely to have a much different attitude about learning later in life. We will praise these children by giving them encouragement. We think that encouragement is the best form of praise.




DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.