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           For my Education 310 course, Teaching Students with Behavior Disorders, students had to select an inclusive setting that caters to students with emotional/behavioral disorders. We had to conduct a functional behavior assessment of the student, develop a behavior intervention plan with input of the student, teachers, parents, and support personnel. We had to schedule dates, times, settings for interventions, design and conduct periodic assessments to monitor the student’s progress both at home and at school, prepare weekly reports on the students’ progress in learning and practicing these strategies, and meet with the student’s family to discuss outcomes of interventions and share student’s final progress report. My evidence satisfies 4 of Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Standards. This piece of evidence fulfilled Standards 3: Individual Learning Differences, Standard 5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions, Standard 7: Instructional Planning and Standard 10: Collaboration. My evidence also meets 2 Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) Standards, 4 and 5.2, Assessment and Professionalism: Collaboration with families, colleagues, and community agencies.

           CEC 3: Individual Learning Differences states that my evidence must reflect my understanding of the effects that an exceptional condition can have on an individual’s learning, how primary language, culture, and familial background interact with the individual’s exceptional condition to impact academic and social abilities, attitudes, values, and interest. By doing this Behavioral Intervention Plan I learned more about my student I was working with. I was able to learn what interested him, what his dislikes were and more about his familial background that allowed me to understand why he permitted certain behaviors.

              CEC 5: Learning Environment and Social Interactions says that my evidence must reflect my own ability to create positive and active learning environment for students with exceptionalities, where diversity is valued and independence and self-determination are encouraged. After conducting my Behavioral Intervention Plan with my student, I was able to leave him with positive behavioral techniques that will allow him to be independent and make wise choices.

             CEC 7: Instructional Planning speaks to my evidence because it states that I must reflect my ability to create long-range individualized instructional plans and translate them into short-range goals and objectives emphasizing explicit modeling and efficient guided practice to ensure acquisition and fluency through maintenance and generalizations. After collaborating with his mother and teacher, I discussed three decreasing behaviors methods that we can implement to get A.N’s behavior under control both at home and school. Also, I introduced the method of overcorrection; with this method Overcorrection covers two components, one is restitution (the student is required to correct the effects of his or her inappropriate behavior and positive practice (a procedure in which the student is required to extensively rehearse a correct form of behavior)” (Rosenberg, 2004, p.g 232).

               CEC 10: Collaboration states that my evidence must reflect that I collaborated with my students’ family, other teachers, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways. While conducting my Behavioral Intervention Plan, I learned that it actually takes a village to raise a child. After hosting interviews with my students’ parent and classroom teacher, I was able to make rational decisions that would enable all of us to be on the same consensus to ensure that the student received the best support possible.  

              ACEI Standard 4: Assessment, says a candidate know, understand, and use formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate and strengthen instruction. I was able to observe a student in a classroom who has behaviors that permit him from doing his academic best. The formal observations made on the student helped me to find ways that will suit his needs to get his behavior on a level where it will not interfere with his intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. This piece of information can help you to make any modifications or accommodations to your lesson to suit the needs of your students. With the usage of assessment, a teacher can collaborate with the student, parents, and support personnel to plan the appropriate learning objectives for the student.

           ACEI Standard 5.2, Professionalism says that my evidence supports the establishment of maintaining a positive collaborative relationship with families, schools colleagues, and agencies in the community. For this project, I had the opportunity to work with a single parent, teachers, a program director, and social services to work together to find methods to get a student’s behavior from off-task behavior to on-task behavior. I had conferences with the teacher about how the student is inside the class. The mom and I also spoke about her son, we was able to have time for a brief conversation, where I gained closer insight on the student. 

            My initial reaction of completing a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) was where I would be able to find a parent who will grant me permission to work with their child. As I looked over the required components to complete the Behavioral Intervention Plan, I thought it was a lot and would I be able to meet all the requirements. From doing this project I have learned a lot on the intake process it requires to formulate a Behavioral Intervention Plan.



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.