DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Social Studies  


I. Standard(s) Being Addressed             RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.


II. Essential Question                             Why and how do communities develop differently?



III. Teaching Point/Performance              Students will learn what kinds of communities’ people live in.

(Students TP) Students will make a text to self-connection between urban, rural, and suburban communities. 


IV. Learning Activities                           


  1.  Mini Lesson                                   I will ask my students do their community have houses with big yards                                               or do they live where buildings are close together?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I will allow two – three students to answer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I will ask my students to think about different kinds of communities they                                                   know about, including cities and small towns.


                                                          I will introduce the vocabulary words to my students:

                                                         Urban Area – is another name for a city

                                                         Suburb – is a community near a city

                                                         Rural Area - is an area in the country, usually away from a city


                     I will show my students a video on rural, suburban, and urban        communities via Brain Pop Jr        (http://www.brainpopjr.com/socialstudies/communities/ruralsub                           urbanandurban/)


  1. Accountable Talk                             I will ask my students to describe what the buildings on their street are                                               like.

I will walk around and listen to my students as they speak within their groups about the descriptions of the buildings on their streets. .



  1. Guided Practice                              I will conduct a shared reading with my students

I will ask my students to turn to page 120 in their social studies textbook, Social Studies: New York City

I will begin reading, and then I will call on another student to continue reading until we have finished the reading.

While we are reading I will stop and ask my students questions that are embedded on the chapter.



       D. Independent Practice                 I will ask students to complete a graphic organizer to showcase the                                                         difference amongst urban, suburban, and rural areas.



      E.  Summary                                   Selected students will share the differences they have written on their                                                      graphic organizers.  



      F. Modifications / Accommodations  Extended time: 20 minutes I will give additional time for those who are challenged particularly the Apple Group. This will be applied during             independent practice as the special education teacher work with one                                                 group I will focus on the other.

                                                             Throughout the lesson, I will read and re-read the directions and             questions when necessary


IV. Assessment/Evaluation of Learning   I will use one rubric to assess how much the students were able to learn based on their levels. The rubrics will be used to show each child’s individual growth. As I use this information I will reflect on the lesson and how I could have better it. What I could have omitted or included? What I could have done differently to help those students who were challenged?


Social Studies Rubric






Needs Improvement





















Graphic Organizer



Student did not complete graphic organizer stating the differences between the three communities



Student has made one – two bullets on the graphic organizer stating the differences between the three communities


Student has made two – three bullets on the graphic organizer stating the differences between the three communities


Student has made three or more bullets on the graphic organizer stating the differences between the three communities






Student made no connections to the text about the three different communities


Student made one to two connections to the text about the three different communities



Student made two to three connections to the text about the three different communities



Student made three or more connections to the text about the three different communities


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.