DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Conrad Johnson                                                          Dr. Diaz

Ms. Pyle-Clarke                                                          P.S. 91, The Albany Ave School

October 15, 2012   Time: 12:50 – 1:35pm                  Grade Level: 4               Room #: 206


Components                                        Questions to Guide Your Planning___________________________


I. Standard(s) Being Addressed             Operations & Algebraic Thinking

                                                            4.OA.3 – Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonable of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.



II. Essential Question                             How can we use working backwards and logical reasoning to solve word problems?


III. Teaching Point/Performance              Students will understand the concept of working backwards to solve word problems.  

     Goals                                              Students will use logical reasoning to solve word problems with the working backwards strategy.


IV. Learning Activities


  1.  Mini Lesson                             I will ask students do they know what working backwards means.

Working Backwards – the strategy of working backwards entails starting with the end results and reversing the steps you need to get those results, in order to figure out the answer to the problem.


I will tell students sometimes the best approach to solving a problem is to begin with the information at the end of a question and work back through the problem.


I will ask students if they ever lost an item and how did they go about relocating the item. (Retracing your steps or working backwards to see where you left it last)

I will tell students when you work backwards you are using logical reasoning


  1. Accountable Talk                       I will ask students to turn to their partners and ask each other how                                               working backwards can help them to solve a word problem.


I will ask students to talk with their partner to see if they understand the difference between solving a word problem using logical reasoning or working backwards.



       C. Guided Practice                         I will work with the students on the following problem for them to better understand the concept of working backwards.


(http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/math4/d/workbacks4l.cfm )

Brady was trying to decide when to get up in the morning. He needs 45 minutes to get ready for school. It takes him 25 minutes to drive to school. He wanted to get to school 20 minutes early to use the library. If school starts at 7:30, what time should he get up?


       D. Independent Practice                 Students will work independently working on various word problems.

                                                             http://www.studyzone.org/testprep/math4/d/workbacks4p.cfm (smartboard will be used to show the problems.)



E.  Summary                                   Journal Entry – In class writing assignment students will write in their journals with any concerns or questions they may have about the topic. Explain with details to support your reasoning. Two paragraphs, 5-7 sentences.

Homework – Students will make up their own word problem and use the strategy of working backwards to solve the problems. Students will show their steps.


IV. Assessment/Evaluation of                A rubric.




















Content Knowledge

Did not answer any of the questions

Shows little understanding of the assignment; student answered 2-3 questions  

Shows some difficult with the assignment, but they are at ease with the content; student answered 3-4 questions

Shows full knowledge of the assignment; student answered all questions


More than five mathematical errors were made

Three to four mathematical errors were made

One to two mathematical errors were made

No mathematical errors were made


Arrangement of material is difficult to follow

Some, but not all the material is organized in a rational arrangement

Material is presented in a rational arrangement

Material is rational and stimulating to follow



Response Quality

Student’s response is critically undeveloped and provides no details.

Student’s response is undeveloped and does not stay on task.

Student’s response is fairly good and stays on task for the most part.

Student’s response is totally developed and stays on the task.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.