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                         Creating A Culture of Attachment

 Base on what I got by reading this story is that its always important to get to know your student well when it comes to planning a lesson. You should know what interest your kids and how they will receive what you are teaching them. This is what makes a good teacher. Teaching is not always about just following an outline of lessons that the board of education gives to you. Educators have to switch the lesson around given though the lesson that the higher officials give you is Mandatory because base on I am seeing as I am climbing up the ladder to get my degree the lesson that teachers are given are very dull. In order to avoid something like that from happening we have to make those specific changes and teach the students in a way that they would understand. At the end of the day educators who are in the classroom five days a week from September to June. They are the ones who know their students more than anyone else. The people in the big offices at the Board of Education don’t know a thing about the students in your classroom and some do not even care at all about the students performance and progress. They just care about the big cash which is that good at all.

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