DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Lynette Williams

Educ 102

Professor : Dr Diaz


Effective Communication Reflection


Medgar Evers College conveys to prospective teachers how effective and important the art of communication is.  Under the standard, the department expects that candidates to speak and write in appropriate registers depending on the audience, purpose, and to demonstrate comprehensive fluency. The department’s expectation is relevant because as a student teacher it is important that I adopt the ability to communicate using different tones, and registers appropriately.  When necessary, I will use language which will convey the appropriate message or information.  The department also expects me to explore technology which will help in the communicating process.

            As evidence for Effective Communication, I am submitting an essay on Breast Cancer. This was an individual assignment which was completed in my English 150 class. The assignment required me to read and write a variety of text in various disciplines, and also use technology as an efficient and innovative means of communication.

            The class was given a guideline by the professor and everyone had to come up with a topic to formulate a thesis statement. Our papers had to be reviewed and edited by our professor, which we had to be in constant communication on the sources from which we got the information. We used the internet to gather information and made sure that they were credible and from reputable websites.  The purpose of my paper was to give specific details as to whether I think the information I gathered would be beneficial and inform the future generation. The assignment had to be one thousand words in length, with the thesis statement being a guide.

            As an aspiring teacher, I will try to make use of the various forms of communication. I will stress the importance of effective communication, and how it will benefit students in the classroom.  I will therefore endeavor to pay close attention on how I communicate with others using appropriate language in reading, writing, and comprehension skills. I will also provide students the opportunity to understand and communicate with others on topics that will help them improve their communication skills.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.