DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Lynette Williams

Educ 102

Professor: Dr Diaz



Professionalism Reflection


            As a future educator, it is a requirement of Medgar Evers College Education Department to demonstrate mastery of the eight standards. The definition of the professionalism proposed by the department as it relates to a potential teacher candidate states that candidates adopt a reflective practitioner stance towards teaching, learning, and collaboration with parents, colleagues, and students that embraces inquiry, reciprocity, and critique.

            The department’s expectation is relevant, since teacher trainee is very important. I have adopted a positive approach towards teaching strategies which will help in the collaboration with parents, teachers, and students. The department also expects me to embrace reciprocity and critique in the teaching and learning processes.

            As evidence for the professionalism standard, I am submitting an observation report. It was completed in Fall 2010 in my 152 class- Introduction to Special Education. It was an individual assignment which required me to observe and record a Special Education classroom setting in session.  My evidence speaks to standard five (5) How candidates adopt a reflective practitioner stance upon the numerous methods and philosophies of teaching towards education.

              I was given a rubric which I used to record and evaluate data. I also wrote a five (5) page paper using this rubric as a guide. The purpose of this paper was to observe and record teaching methods and strategies in a Special Education Classroom.

             I began this assignment by reading the guidelines given by my professor. This was done to give me a clear understanding of what was required of me.  This assignment gave me the opportunity to see the world through the lenses of the young child with some form of disability or impairment. I was also able to see firsthand how a teacher interacts, respond and care for such students.  I must say that professionalism is the key ingredient used in such a challenging class community.

            I must say that I learned a lot from this assignment, and as a prospective Special Education major I will endeavor to have an attitude of professionalism in my classroom.  I will try to adopt and implement teaching methods, strategies, knowledge, and commitment to a craft that is so badly in need of dedicated individuals.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.